With over half of winter behind us, warmer weather and sunshine are just over the horizon. But is your home a victim of Old Man Winter, and if so, how would you know and when should you look to hire an Exterior Renovation Contractor to fix it?
One of the easiest signs to see is an increase in your energy bill. Damage to windows and sealants can result from years of harsh winter and summer months. Once damage to these facets of your home occurs, it’s harder to retain heat, which in turn contributes to a higher energy bill. Weather also has a significant effect on the siding and roof of your home. Strong winds, precipitation, water, and temperature changes can affect siding causing blistering, hail damage, fading, dry rot, loosening, and more. Any number of damages to your siding can leave the structure and interior susceptible to larger problems. While keeping an eye out for damage to the exterior of your home sounds easy enough, once you see damage, it may be too late.
“Once you see the signs of exterior damage, especially on the inside of your home, the damage is probably much worse than you think,” said Mark Snorteland of Charter Construction. “In fact, by the time that you see the damage, there’s something going on behind that wall that you probably don’t want to know about.” So, what can you do to understand the condition of your home? According to Mark, by doing the same tired things that homeowners say they’re going to do, but never do.
At least once a year you should perform a thorough inspection of your home – check the quality of caulking in all key areas, ensure that windows close and are sealed properly, and survey the condition of your roof and siding.
“Taking just a few hours once or twice a year can have a lasting benefit for your home in the long-run,” said Mark. If your home needs new windows, siding, or roofing, Charter Construction’s Exterior Renovation Team is here to help. With over 35 years of experience, constructing and maintaining residences and commercial buildings, you can trust Charter Construction to restore your home.
For more information contact Mark Snorteland at mark.snorteland@chartercon.com or Brian Johnson at brian.johnson@chartercon.com