Stay Home, Stay Healthy | Washington Executive Order

March 27, 2020
To our Valued Clients and Business Partners,

We want to let you know how Governor Jay Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Proclamation (NO. 20-25) issued on March 23, 2020, and his follow up Construction Guidance Memorandum issued on March 25 is currently impacting our construction services in Washington.
Many businesses have been defined as “non-essential” and have been ordered to cease operations. However, per Governor Inslee’s “Essential Infrastructure Workers” list, certain types of construction are considered an essential service:
Construction workers who support the construction, operation, inspection, and maintenance of construction sites and construction projects (including housing construction) for all essential facilities, services and projects included in this document, and for residential construction related to emergency repairs and projects that ensure structural integrity.
In addition, per Governor Inslee’s Construction Guidance Memorandum, construction work is essential if it meets the following requirements:
a) Construction related to essential activities as described in the order; 
b) To further a public purpose related to a public entity or governmental function or facility, including but not limited to publicly financed low-income housing; or
c) To prevent spoliation and avoid damage or unsafe conditions, and address emergency repairs at both non-essential businesses and residential structures.
Our #1 goal is the safety of our clients, our employees and our community, so we are only performing work that falls within these “Essential Service” definitions. To perform this work, Charter continues to implement the following safety measures on the jobsite and in our office:

  • Follow COVID-19 Jobsite Practices and Workplace Practices as prescribed by the CDC and the AGC (Associated General Contractors)
  • Maintain Social Distancing - 6ft distance between people
  • Wear personal protection equipment
  • Wash and sanitize hands regularly
  • Sanitize work areas regularly
  • Sanitize equipment regularly
  • Reduced face-to-face meetings with co-workers, clients, business partners by utilizing teleconferencing and virtual meeting platforms
  • Telework when feasible
  • Restrict travel
  • Stay home if you are sickIn addition, there are also “site-specific” protocols created for every project.
We continue to monitor the information being provided by our local government agencies and we continue to react quickly and responsibly as new information is provided.  If you have a question regarding your current project with Charter, please call your Charter contact immediately so that we can answer it.

I continue to be humbled by everyone’s composure during this difficult time.

Stay healthy and be safe!

Very Truly Yours,

Eric Jackson, President & the Charter Leadership Team
Categories: Safety