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Corbett Crescent Condominiums - Portland, OR
Corbett Crescent Condominiums - Portland, OR Corbett Crescent Condominiums - Portland, OR

Corbett Crescent Condominiums

The Corbett Crescent Condominiums complex in Portland, Oregon consists of seven separate buildings with a total of 55 units. The buildings’ siding and decks suffered severe water damage, which created a need for extensive repairs throughout the complex.

Charter utilized the latest building techniques, along with the highest quality siding and decking materials to make repairs to the condominiums. Charter’s project team began repairs by making targeted siding replacements at the front bumpouts. Next, the windows were removed and reinstalled and the back decks were reconstructed. The rear deck doors had to be removed and replaced, ensuring the decks are both safe and updated in appearance. Comprehensive repairs to the associated materials, including flashing, sheathing, insulation were completed to ensure that the entire Corbett Crescent Condominium complex meets Charter’s superior standards for quality construction.

In order to minimize the impact on the residents of the Corbett Crescent Condominiums, Charter’s project team worked within a tightly defined space to do any necessary staging. Charter’s onsite project manager quickly responded to any requests that came from the residents and the whole team worked hard to minimize the construction’s impact on the resident’s daily lives as much as possible.

Architect: Morrison Hershfield
Location: Portland, OR
Corbett Crescent Condominiums - Portland, OR