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Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon
Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon

Four Seasons Condominiums

Working within an eight month scheduled duration, Charter’s project team worked closely with the architect and homeowners at Four Seasons Condominiums to meet the design intent of a new “modernized” building while remaining within the owner’s budget. Deficiencies in the building envelope of the 8 story, 46 unit condominium complex in Portland, OR had resulted in severe damage due to water penetration.

The scope of repairs included the installation of a new, Ceraclad siding system (with rainscreen), replacement of components that had become damaged since construction in 1962, and a building upgrade to meet current code requirements. 
Due to the age of the building, asbestos had been used in the original construction.

All safety protocols were strictly executed and enforced. Tight site conditions and limited storage required careful planning of material deliveries. 
All units remained occupied for the duration of the project. Charter’s homeowner liaison worked closely with the superintendent to ensure that owners were kept apprised of all scheduled work and that homeowner needs were accommodated whenever possible.

Charter Construction worked on behalf of the homeowners to assist them in obtaining Business Energy Tax Credits and cash incentives from the Energy Trust of Oregon for the replacement of windows and insulation.

Architect: Kilburn Architects
Location: Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon
Four Seasons Condominiums - Goose Hollow, Portland, Oregon